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Old 01-16-2018, 02:01 PM
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CantThinkOfAName CantThinkOfAName is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 335

I like the idea. And I think we could get a fund together for trappers. Or even start donating scraps.
But it's nice to hear What Nube has to say. I'm not a trapper but I've taken the wolf management course from Trapper Gord. And what Nube is saying, I remember Gord mentioning as well.
Gord specializes in wolves and he even says that they aren't worth it compared to coyotes. A coyote can be processed very quickly, but a wolf takes a long time so time/cost isn't good.
As for helping out, wolves are reclusive so ton of new human scents probably won't help, I remember Gord saying he has dedicated trapping clothes and sometimes he doesn't even get off the snowmobile because wolves seems acclimatized to the gas/oil smell but boots on ground will throw them off.
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