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Old 11-14-2013, 04:31 PM
****** ****** is offline
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 97

Know your nutritional requirements and pack accordingly. Too little and too much food both put you off your game. Spend the money on boots, pack, shelter, optics, and a water purification systems. You can have itchy pants, a shirt that fits not-so-well, a bulky pillow, a heavy sleeping bag, a clunky stove, etc BUT a broken ankle, a water born parasite, or a cold, wet tent will kill you. Going in with bad optics is a recipe for failure. When it is 5 miles and 10,000 feet away, you want to know if that is a shoot or a pass animal before you start the hike.
You can always tell the kids that grew up country.

People in SUVs, driving through their sprawling suburbs, will end the lives of more animals than a man with a bow ever could.
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