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Old 06-26-2017, 04:24 PM
rugatika rugatika is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 17,790

$15 an hour is a slap in the face. Anyone calling for $15 an hour should be ashamed of themselves. How can you raise a family of 5 and have a house and food, or even enjoy a week in Disneyland on $15 an hour.

The government should just set minimum wage at $100 an hour. Then everyone would be happy. If you can't run a business paying your employees $200,000 a year or so for flipping burgers you should probably think about running your business in another country, or replace your employees with robots or charge highly inflated amounts of money for your product to pay for your empoyees wages. It's so simple!

This is what happens when greedy people that can barely run a calculator are allowed to vote.
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