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Old 02-27-2014, 12:53 PM
Winch101 Winch101 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Okotoks wilderness
Posts: 4,420
Default Please don't

If you want to have a rational debate on here QUIT referring to the Bible
Like it's a reliable source of information .....most people on here think it's
A fairy tale to say the least....if that is the basis for your stance you are right in there with the close minded bigots . If everybody who believes the bible is
Anti gay , Muslim , abortion etc.etc. Nice group ,stay away from my kids
I'll take my chances with the pedophiles , and speaking of them , this is where
CS usually throws some priests into the mix ...

Passing that Arizona law leads to witch burning , crucifying etc. Because
You are , as a human , flawed . Ego and control the Bain of your existence .