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Old 04-29-2019, 11:00 PM
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CanadianFisherman CanadianFisherman is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: Alberta
Posts: 46

It's sad really. And there are some lakes and ponds that could be potential fisheries but they are empty and locked up by cities looking to develop over them, and not accessible in the mean time. I wish they would have some of the more stable ones set up as fisheries, as well as help boost populations struggling from various situations. If they were set up doing one, the other wouldn't be hard on an as needed basis. Like the rest of you, I'm tired of seeing my favorite lakes die and year after year they are "TBD" with nothing done. It's not hard to feel as if they don't care very much when the F&W officers that came every weekend quit coming out 2 or 3 years ago but the number of fisherman was just as many or even more... As for the statement about Alberta, I look at how few real lakes we have compared to all of the other provinces (like substantially fewer) and there are like hundreds more people fishing each lake on average here than other provinces so "take what you can get." When I look at the numbers compared to the other provinces on number of lakes, average number of fisherman/hours/days out etc. however I do feel like Fish and Game has had a rough go of it trying to keep up to the quotas needed. How many other provinces banned commercial fishing to help sustain the resource? I'm not saying they have done fantastic, but also not saying they flopped either. Yet. haha
If you are looking for the exact numbers, they are out there on provincial and federal government websites.
Let em go, Let em Grow!
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