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Old 01-12-2019, 05:29 AM
RZR RZR is offline
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Originally Posted by beansgunsghandi View Post
Not being a Richard, but my answer would be not enough land restricted? I have seen way too much of the Bighorn and other areas beat on from various offroad users (including my own use at times). It's been interesting watching the Ghost recover from the OHV and general motorized abuse. Lot more wildlife in there off the roads, way fewer random trails and junk show "campsites," noticeably better for visitors and animals. I don't hunt some of the places I used to because I don't want to cart a deer out that far, but there are definitely more deer and even the odd elk in there, which do fill out into the areas I hunt. I support the Bighorn proposal for the same reasons, I believe future Albertans will appreciate it as we do Kananaskis and the other park areas (many of which are still open to hunting, as the Bighorn is).
I beg to differ that there are more Deer and Elk in these areas that have been closed off. Ridding an area of camping and ohv's isn't changing the amount or quality of wildlife and if you truly believe this your a fool. Go for a walk in k-country and let me know how many elk you see. I can guarantee it won't any more then an area where you can still camp or quad.
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