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Old 02-27-2018, 02:34 PM
Don_Parsons Don_Parsons is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 1,827

Ha, at least I can laugh at my self after my blunder.

Trophy Book archery got a brand new 3D simulator, so my buddy and I booked a shoot on it one weekend.

My friend always told me to point the bow at intended target and pull back with draw arm only. I thought that this was foolish since I can lift bow and draw at same time or come from up above and bring bow onto target.

What could wrong drawing a bow with the push pull,,, Yuppers,,, if it was going to happen it's good to have it happen at a shooting lane with lots of people around.

I was doing my super hero drop down with the bow when my finger touched off a arrow. LOL.

The rubber tipped arrow wacked the 3D shooting both ceiling, and everyone in the building all looked.

Rooky move on my part.

I guess my friend was right, the best point of aim is always down range,,, getting schooled is good.

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