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Old 06-25-2010, 09:37 AM
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Thickhorn Thickhorn is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 120

Originally Posted by Dakota369 View Post
so why can we not all get along and just be equal. Oh wait....... I know ........ it's the politicians without any balls.....
There is realistically only one group of people that stand a chance in changing these laws for the better, and that is the Metis and Native people. In my opinion, any outdoors-enjoying Metis or native that is currently NOT fighting these backwards laws is as much to blame for the problem as the governments who set it up in the first place, or the governments that refuse to rethink this issues.

Believe me, if I thought I could stand up and fight this to my death WITHOUT looking like a jealous, racist white man, I would.

The point is not that Metis and natives get these 'rights' and other people don't; the point is that unregulated killing of our game is allowed, and happening. I don't want the right to kill as many animals, whenever and wherever I want, and neither should anybody. I 'm happy with the rights I have, because those rights make sure our animals will be around for the next generations.