Thread: Fur prices
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Old 03-16-2003, 01:31 AM
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Default Prices!

I have to agree with the pro-auction house sellers. How can a fur buyer ever pay you more than the auction house's that bring the market to Canada. Most, if not all fur buyers, put their furs in the self-same auction houses that we have been down playing. We have used and will continue to use NAFA, the service is great, the prices are good (comparatively), and the home page is outstanding...our average for the last 15 was $72.00 with the top being $105.00 and the bottom being, well we'll leave that for another day, it dragger the average down... as it was pretty damaged... a couple of friends wanted to try coyote calling, I did the calling! $0.10 per stitch would be a good estimate!

Anyway, if it's best dollar your after: auction house. Quickest dollar your after: fur buyer. Easiest: fur buyer who can skin a dog....most fun....shooting, calling and trapping...take care!
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