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Old 08-17-2018, 12:31 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Near Drumheller
Posts: 6,780

Just in the midst of building the fence in the front yard. I did find out the City owns 2.28m of the front yard, likely a utility right of way as I have no sidewalk out front. And the front yard fence can only be 4ft high , irregardless of grade. I am doing it myself. I am using 4x4 treated posts, deckboards, may have 1500.00 into it, for about 90ft of fence, I had to buy a post hole shovel, 12 4x4's and 40 or so 8ft treated boards, and I will build the gate out of leftovers.. I started with some sheet plastic lattice as an experiment on 3 board build on one side, don't much like that, so, I'll take off the lattice and build it as a 5 board. That is tight enough to keep the hound in and easy to build. I set it up that it is inside the property line by about 1/2" on the face of the boards. I may put some brick on the edge to make it less work to trim on the inside.
The back yard has a 6ft fence both sides, all treated wood. I wouldn't have bothered with the front one, except I have a new neighbour that doesn't like the dog anymore. So be it, that's life. Digging the holes wasn't bad at all, only had 3 with bigger , obstinate rocks in them. Although I did find out I am old, fat and out of shape, and the heat wave didn't help. Just taking my time at it, it is up now, have to trim the posts and put in the other two boards on each section still.
And the new neighbor had to go buy their own lawnmower and trimmer now. Never even offered to help. So, they can pound salt for whatever help they need in the future, which I provided in the past.
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