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Old 06-28-2017, 07:58 AM
Marty S Marty S is offline
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Originally Posted by molly View Post
I see no sinister motives behind Y2Y. One may not agree with every single project they are involved in nor every opinion they put forth, but protecting the wilderness is something most of us support.
Very sinister motives if you like trapping, hunting, access, ATV's, even fishing. I believe these people to be amongst the worst enemies of all for Alberta mountain trappers.

My belief is that they simply try to be winsome on the surface, they have an agenda to accomplish and will give big smiles and act like our friends, etc, but when alls said and done they hate trapping and hunting, ATV access just as much which is quite necessary if you want to actually do any sort of work.

That's my take. I try to look between all the smiles and "partnerships", handshakes, BS and things and read what these people's actual agenda is and then look down the road to conclusion of what the new mountain trapping world will look like after they have achieved their "protected areas" which ultimately mean areas essentially shut down to all common sense use.

Yup, all the way from Yellowstone to Yukon
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