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Old 01-21-2020, 11:40 PM
ctd ctd is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 2,380

I have sent letters and Emails in the past, honestly they do no care what we think or do. They do not answer a single question posed to them, they pass it off as the the other office has to answer the questions. Ultimately they play pass the buck in the PMO's.
The only way to fight this issue is going to be a massive lawsuit suing the government and holding each one of them who support this gun grab liable.
Simply put they dont care. The already reduced mandatory sentences of convicted criminals caught using weapons, they usually drop the firearm charges and have them plead out to lesser charges. Its all over the papers all the time.
They have proven they are not capable of going after gangs or reducing violent crimes.
They are really good at coming after law abiding citizens. The only way to deal with this is going to be the courts. Anyone who thinks different is fooling themselves.
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