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Old 06-13-2019, 12:00 PM
Jayhad Jayhad is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 2,050

Have you taken a moment to contemplate that some not answering the poll is due to the fact that we have been members of said organizations in the past and it has amounted to ZERO positive change, no blocking of laws, no rescinding of restricted or prohibited status, no more access to the strained gun ranges we have, no fighting bylaws that prevent us from shooting on our own acreages, but they sure do send emails and letters asking for more money.....

Why will it be different this time?

As for government parties, besides rescinding the registry which was a cost savings disguised as a pro-gun move, what makes you think the Conservatives will relax gun laws when they have never done so in the past,

Again, Why will it be different this time?
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