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Old 11-21-2020, 08:40 PM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Back in Lethbridge
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Originally Posted by shep dog View Post
Gentlemen/women, I sincerely hope we are discussing Put-and-Take fisheries in man-made reservoirs, largely paid for with tax payer dollars.

As goldscud said: "I haven't looked into where the government money gets allocated."

Don't bight the hand the feeds you.
Uh, no. We are talking about aeration, and the lack of it for fear of legal actions by the stupid people of the world. YOU are the one obsessed with put and take fisheries. You are the one who started insulting valued members of our community. If you work for the ACA, come out and say so. Your attitude reminds me of that arrogance (of ignorance) that we have put up with for decades from the fisheries bios in this province. Only recently has this started to change, and it is long overdue.

If you don’t want money spent on aeration and put and take fisheries, that is fine and you are entitled to your opinion, as of today, Canada is still a free country. Say your peace and don’t let the door hit you in the a** on the way out.

How many hours a year do you volunteer for fish and wildlife projects, and or conservation organizations? Some of us have given a significant portion of our lives to try and create better opportunities for the citizens of Alberta, both current and future. Your approach to discussing conservation issues is caustic, at best.

Enjoy what so many others have worked hard for to provide you the opportunity... including those you have insulted most.

No respect. At all.
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