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Old 12-11-2018, 05:42 PM
canuckistanian canuckistanian is offline
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Calgary
Posts: 89
Default Contractor Labour cost dispute

I'm currently getting a detached garage built and just received the invoice last night for the work done which only covers framing and sheathing.

Everything has been verbal for this job, no written contract. The contractor said the total labour cost would be $1800, the invoice I received has it listed at $2455 plus an additional $320 for a picker truck for lifting the roof up. I'm considering the $320 under labour since he had told me 3 weeks ago he was just going to get one of his workers to help lift the trusses up by hand and there was never any mention of a crane being used or additional costs. I think it's quite ridiculous for him to expect me to pay over 50% extra on labour and really just want to pay him what we had agreed on before this project began and tell him to go urinate up a rope. I'm just curious at this point if he has any ground to stand on as far as putting a lien on my title or if he tries to take me to court? He isn't even denying our prior agreement but he just keeps saying it was a lot bigger project then he anticipated. I just don't get it, if I tell someone I'm going to weld them up a fire pit for $300 and it takes me 3 times longer then I estimated I'm going to eat that cost because it was my mistake.

On a side note does anyone here do roofing for a living or can recommend someone in Calgary?

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