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Old 01-30-2018, 02:36 PM
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BlackHeart BlackHeart is offline
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My theory is that it is related to a reduction in muscle mass/density. A couple of ideas related to it are that it most commonly hits in the 40's and mostly men and those heavier. This is the time many men slow down, have lower testosterone levels, lose muscle tone and gain weight.

The increase in uric acid levels can be from diet, but I think if you are maintaining your muscle mass, any protein you ingest will go to maintain/repair your muscles.....unless you have become more sedentary.......which combined with a rich protein diet and your body slowing metabolizing your muscle mass creates a much higher unused uric acid level in your blood.

Since I have gotten back to daily weight training to gain muscle mass, I can drink beer, eat anything and no gout flareups.
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