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Old 01-30-2018, 05:37 AM
calgarychef calgarychef is offline
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Originally Posted by Newf View Post
Yep a pain in the toe...I woke this morning with gout. Or maybe I should say is was pulled out of my sleep by a painful ache in my big toe about 3AM. This is the 3rd time I’ve had an attack. First time was very mild, just a dull ache in fact I wasn’t quite sure what it was, it didn’t stop me at all. But in the back of my mind I knew it was gout. Second time was a full blown gout attack I ended up at the doctor for medication. That was October 2016. Since then I’ve watched my diet and have been lucky enough to avoid another flare up. Till now! At this point I don’t know what caused the flare up.

This crap hurts!!

For those of you with gout... have your triggers changed over the years? Any home remedies that tend to help speed up the recovery from an attack?

I've been in a wheel chair with gout, it aint a joke. I tried every kind of diet modification, and ate cherries until I looked like one. Uloric 80 mg. once a day forever and ever will prevent it. There's other medications that work and are cheaper but uloric is easier on the liver.
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