Thread: Coyote skinner
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Old 12-10-2018, 07:55 AM
Marty S Marty S is offline
AO Sponsor
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My whole point is to make people aware of their options, in hopes that folks aren't being taken advantage of. In doing so, it is quite possible that the odd guy that is over charging for custom skinning might get a little hot under the collar.

So currently, as of today, I am now aware of 7 guys/outfits that are in the $15 a coyote range, and they for the most part do very good work. I can't speak for them all. I am currently using a guy at $13 a coyote that is supposed to know what he is doing, and I'll be looking closely at his work and correct things if necessary. Snared coyotes I might mention, I'll pay him a premium for shot goods according to he extent of damage.

Generally, the better a man is at his work, the faster he can do his work, and the better his work will be... and the less he will have to charge.
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