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Old 06-14-2019, 06:37 PM
^v^Tinda wolf^v^ ^v^Tinda wolf^v^ is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
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I’m not sure if my conclusion is a solution to this dilemma but I’ll share my thoughts and it’s more sensible than this crap they are trying to pull with bans anyways.
Most of the people who can acquire a PAL are obviously trusted by the rcmp to use and store them in a safe and responsible way. The Evidence is over whelming that ‘we’ the PAL holders are not the problem for the most part.
I am not opposed to further back ground checks and I would not be opposed to a requirement that states a PAL holder would have to have a quality rated safe and a security system on their dwelling. Other than that it’s all we can do and it is certainly not going to stop criminal activity where firearms are involved because those people would get the guns regardless and have even more power when ours are taken away which will just make it worse in the end.

It’s up to the Government to secure our borders more efficiently so I see it as if they can’t kick them selves in the rear they are going to kick the PAL holders instead.

This isn’t right and isn’t right in so many different ways.
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