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Old 10-23-2017, 03:38 PM
Full Curl Earl Full Curl Earl is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Northern Alberta
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Unfortunately we've proven that as Canadian gun owners we are unable to mobilize a formal organization that will fight for Canadians. We need an organization that will challenge every single piece of legislation, every new law, and every frivolous charge levied. Say what you will about the NRA, but they are a highly organized body that fights for its members.
I'm sure there are plenty of lawyers that are gun owners who may be interested in playing a role, not gratis of course. We have done absolutely nothing, NOTHING, in response to the RCMP's handling of the CFC's rule changes as they see fit. Tying up .22 semi magazine prohibitions in the courts would have at least shown some backbone on our part. But we're Canadians, a peaceful people, who will take whatever you ram down our throats. The firearms business in this country is big business, maybe we need a $$ levy on every item sold to go to a firearms coalition? I'd be in for that.
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