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Old 06-25-2020, 04:10 PM
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EZM EZM is offline
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If we were to go back and look at threads 90 days ago people would have laughed if anyone said there would be 122,000 people dead and 2.4 million infected before the end of June and the situation in the US is getting worse as new infections break records every day.

They would have thought you were grossly exaggerating, over reacting and panicking. You would have been laughed at, mocked and dismissed by many people on the forum who were lining up for a drink of Kool Aid the president was serving.

No intelligent person would deny this is about to get very bad in the US.

I would not be surprised if there were 250,000 to 300,000 people dead by the fall.

If this thing goes another 18 months and we continue to deny this is an issue and minimize, blame, deflect and ignore it in the US millions could die. Millions.

It's particular insulting to the people of the US, that the leadership fails to take affirmative action on this, continues to lie and minimize the impact, while they, as privileged people can hide and isolate themselves while the rest of poor suckers go to work and risk our families lives to protect the wealth of the privileged.

Of all the countries on the planet, I never would have guessed the US would take a leadership role in how best not to mitigate a pandemic.

Meanwhile - business as usual - nothing to see here ….