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Old 09-11-2019, 09:50 PM
Barry D Barry D is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 162

Back in 1995 I shot a buck with bow at last light and didn't see my arrow hit, but everything felt right. I found blood when I started tracking, and lost it within a couple hundred yards. When back the next day and then for four more days in a row looking for birds. I gave up and gave the place a couple weeks to settle down. The first time back out bow hunting, rattled in the exact same buck I shot three weeks earlier. This time my shot was perfect. I was so interested to find out that my arrow three weeks earlier had gone some how, below the spine just in front of his shoulder, but never hit his Oesophagus, arteries, or throat. Who would have thought that was possible? I was using a fixed blade broad head called a Satellite, so maybe that had something to do with it. Other than where the broad head pulled in some hair, the wound was healed up perfectly.

Stay positive that that elk is maybe on the hoof and some lucky hunter will find a broad head in his bull elk's shoulder when he is butchering it one day. I hope it is you.
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