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Old 08-14-2019, 09:15 PM
mindoutside mindoutside is offline
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Posts: 513

Originally Posted by Red Bullets View Post
I just feel that 'hunters' are relying way too much on so many products to supposedly make their hunts successful. I know that hand held blown calls require a person to practice their skill using them so it is not the same as pre-recorded electronic calls. I have seen hunters with hand held or mouth calls scare the animals away that they were trying to attract so it is a practiced skill.


Good point. To clarify what I deemed products I meant food attractants, store bought scents, and items that take the skill away from the hunter learning and improving his or her hunting skills. Having an animal come in to a smell or food requires no skill. You can have all the bullets you want and camo garb and moccasins, with out skill they will do you no good.

Long term these products could result in hunters not requiring any skill. Do you want to pass down your hunting knowledge or is it ok to sum hunting up in a bottle of pee, electronic call or food attractant?

In the past I did try doe pee, with success, for a very elusive buck but it did make me reflect on that fact that I didn't take time to learn about that buck's patterns and habits. I did shoot that deer but it hardly felt like a true hunt.

If we want to preserve our hunting heritage we have to be very careful with what we let hunting become. If is just attracting animals and shooting them it no longer is hunting.

The definition of hunt is:
-pursue and kill (a wild animal) for sport or food.
-a search.

Sitting over a bait pile or smell attractant or electronic call is hardly hunting.
What position is your pinky finger in when you drink tea or coffee?

I guess if you pattern a deer over a farmers field or food source that is not the same as a bait pile.
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