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Old 08-18-2018, 12:04 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Near Drumheller
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Too well written not to share, From a fella on FB who posted it in Cdn Voters against C71, Mike Hanly;

Only the very worst laws create criminals with no benefit to society.

The surge in Canadian handgun ownership was caused by our current gun control. Windy Wendy, Heidi the Wrath and Allen Rocks for brains pushed forward a regime of gun control laws were only intended to harass law abiding Firearms owners and absolutely nothing else. These idiots were so focused on their plot to get rid of legally owned Firearms that they threw common sense to the wind and went in the face of everything we know about creating effective laws.

Our current regime was based upon their mistaken and fool hardy belief that imposing the same harassment on long gun owners that was placed on handgun owners in the 1930's would result in similar declines in levels of ownership. This had backfired because when all of the useless harassment piled on handgun owners was piled on long gun owners the difference was reduced to a one day course and a couple of dollars and this changed the face of Canadian gun ownership. More Canadian gun owners than ever before are licenced to own restricted Firearms and this is a direct result of the wrong kinds of laws being written and imposed for all of the wrong reasons.

The largest increase in Firearms crime in Canadian history was the day that C-68 took effect. Over a 1,000,00,000% increase took place on a single day, millions of law abiding Canadians became criminals as they slept in their beds at the stroke of midnight. One half of Canadian gun owners refused to participate in any way with this new regime of gun control.

Harper's common sense reforms did nothing more or less than restore confidence to a portion of these Firearms owners bringing them back into the law and back into the light. This is the only reason that these legislative changes appear to be followed by a increase in gun ownership, they do not represent an increase in ownership they represent an increase in compliance of gun owners.

The last thing Canadians need is more of the worst kind of laws.
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