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Old 08-07-2012, 09:59 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
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Originally Posted by Hagalaz View Post
And it would eventually be used against all the owners of firearms. The government would just keep handing down new rules and regulations to make firearm ownership more and more difficult.

Stress? No, sorry you no longer qualify. You might do something rash with that firearm.

Have you ever had thoughts of hurting someone besides yourself? Yes?? No, you are the wrong type to own a firearm.

Depression? You may use the firearm to hurt yourself, so we have to prohibit you from having any.

On and on and on and on. They would find a reason to deny people the right to own firearms based on whatever mental work-up they came up with.

It could also be used to label all firearm owners as crazy. You just know the media would take that slant and run with it, and over 50% of the public would believe it.
I agree with you Hagalaz.

I wouldn't trust a law like that.

Anyone who has felt the weight of maintenance enforcement department on their shoulders would be very very afraid of any such law.

The thing is, if a government official decides you are of lower value then others, you're in big trouble.

And if one decides you are a threat, put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye.

When government goes astray, who do you turn to?
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