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Old 04-05-2020, 09:30 AM
Mulehahn Mulehahn is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 908

The government had 3 months to prepare. There was lots of talk about what was coming in early January, you couldn't find masks in stores, sanitizer was already getting low. I lived through SARS in Vancouver; very few were were packing up huge quantities of supplies to ship to family in Asia like like they did starting in December with this one. If the average person on the street who paid attention knew the government must have as well. Yet they did nothing. The government couldn't even be bothered to restrict travel or actually screen passengers (and still don't) effectively; But it now needs to track the precise movements of its citizens? For the greater good of course.

I don't think this was a big conspiracy, I think it is simple incompetence!!! Utter and complete incompetence that has got us to this point. But if you believe that giving up you freedoms and doing away with the Charter will some how grant governments the ability to handle this situation properly than maybe all these doom sayers are right. Canada is lost, just not because of the Virus.
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