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Old 08-09-2018, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by midgetwaiter View Post
Can we stop with the Chicago thing please? It's a terrible argument.
Hmmm so the article you provided to defunct the Toughest Gun Control Claim in Chicago says:

When it comes to the concealed carry of weapons, Chicago has less authority to impose limitations than do many other large U.S. cities.

Please explain to me how Chicago has less authority to impose limitations? Because they have a SCOTUS decision saying their ban was unconstitutional? All that means is other cities weren't stupid enough to do the same. If Atlanta, Seattle, Philadelphia, Memphis or any other were to implement a ban now, you could say they have less authority as well because their ban would also end up at the Supreme Court and deemed unconstitutional.

Your article proves nothing, it is the opinion of a politically guided news outlet.
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!
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