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Old 10-12-2017, 08:26 PM
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sewerrat sewerrat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Red Deer
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You can hire all the police officers you want but I don't think it is going to solve the crime.

It is our Justice system that needs to get tougher, a slap on a wrist isn't going to stop a criminal from offending again.

Most of these criminals are being caught, get tossed in the klink till mom, dad grandpa grandma bails them out, on promise to appear before the courts, the criminal doesn't show up for court because he/she is busy stealing and robbing.
Now they have a warrant out for their arrest, get caught thrown in the klink, and so it goes round and round , then finally they do show up in court they are being locked up again for 3-4 weeks and off they go again.

I feel bad for all those cops it takes a lot of time and effort and a massive paper trail to bring these idiots to justice so their hands are tied.

We need to get after the government and talk to you MLA to get a thougher justice system.
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