Thread: Oldman system
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Old 08-03-2019, 07:50 PM
Soab Soab is offline
Join Date: Sep 2017
Posts: 346

Originally Posted by bessiedog View Post
Ok... I’ll go with the not letting B.C. guides guide here w/out paying. I used to guide and the B.C. boys we’re everywhere and they’d bump me outa holes all over da place.... much like us alberta boys were everywhere guiding the Elk, and Michell, St’Marys and the wigwam (god I luv da wigwam.... best stag fishing party I ever had there.... stimulators can be fished whilst hung over)... oh waitaminit... we still guide over there... heh...

Our SW Alberta fisheries are just fine without ANY need for further regulation.

There are at least a 1/2 dozen rivers and streams that used to just have dinks in them back in the early 90s when I started fishing the various drainages here seriously (1991 to be precise). Now a days these rivers and some seemingly small tiny streams will regularly yield 16inch fat healthy fish. Trust me, they never used to before.

I will actually mention two waterways here that have gone from dink’s to regular pigs ...... and have stayed that way for the last decade at least.


West Castle

There’s no poaching problem... so what the hell kind of ‘enforcement’ you guys lookin for?

Fish cops run around and give me a pop quiz about the dynamics of the watersheds baetis hatch and fineme for incorrect answers or if I don’t have sterilized forceps and piscatorial manipulation and emancipation gloves...?

$$ from licensing pretty much goes to general revenue boys.... so no... please don’t tax us Canadian tire ‘it’s a green bug’ flailin peasants ... we need our beer money.

You catch a poacher... do wut I do... Chuck a rock at em... make sure it hits them
Or their truck.

Or just call em an f***tard and move on. Cause it’s not impacting the fishery in any meaningful way.

Rant over......... you..... you guys you!...,

Upper upper racehorse fished well today. High country cuties.

Dutch had risers.... but thems was picky picky... pack size 18 parachute green Adams... or small green body comparadun and if you present well... you’ll be rewarded.

The big waters that hold the heat have reliable 2-4pm hatches. Sum kinda BWO emerger (hate emergers.... FisH tO THe RiSe.... arg) around the Gap and down from there... Big size 8-10 grey to green drakes comin up real nice.
Good caddis dancing by 6 Pm.... I’ll bet the evening was epic.

I’m gonna make a martini w/whiskey now....
Bang on advice had the boat out today
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