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Old 07-14-2021, 05:42 PM
ARTO ARTO is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 9

Thanks for the input guys, I appreciate it! Anymore please send them my way and I will do the best I can. We're always looking for ways to improve what we have and new things we can do.

This year for the Friday night smoker we are doing a whisky tasting, which should be good, but everything else will be the same as past years

Densa, it's pretty much the same core group of us organizing it minus Stacey this year. So those of you that do come will see a new face or two at registration.

As for the land, we have the same battle every year. There's stuff that we love, and stuff we hate and try to replace it every year. Just cause we don't like it doesn't mean others feel the same way. We have about 5 pieces that I myself wouldn't be happy with but they get requested every year by people. We also have some phenomenal land but it's further from town and people don't want to drive more than 10 minutes from town for it.

The releasing, I know we have to make some improvements there as well. Every year there's birds released from tailgates of trucks or pulled out of the crate and thrown in the air and they never set foot on the property they were released on. All the volunteers are told to go to the middle of the property, find cover and tip the crate upside down and to let the birds walk out. Some will get up and fly off the property but there's nothing we can do about it, they're birds.

Densa we can't allow the hunters to release their own birds for several reasons. We've had a crate get shot while the birds were still in it, the crates get taken home by accident or stolen while hunters were out hunting but mainly cause we don't have enough crates to allow everyone to release their own birds. The birds get released and then brought back to us so we can then use it again to release birds the next day. Like you said were run off of volunteers and we struggle to get enough to do what were doing.

Thanks again guy, and if any of you want to shoot me a pm I'll give you my number and we can discuss further. Sorry for the long winded post
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