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Old 10-21-2017, 01:01 PM
silverdoctor silverdoctor is offline
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Originally Posted by raab View Post
I agree with what your saying. My main point is that a good owner wouldn't have an possessive/territorial aggressive dog at the dog park.
Why leave a dog like that in a managed environment? I see it quite often, people bringing their dogs to the park - sometimes in muzzles - to get them socialized. I love dealing with these dogs, lend a hand - and my dog - whenever I can. He's a great mentor.

You see, part of the problem is fear over lack of vaccinations. Person gets a puppy, and vast majority of times they are told not to take the dog out until their vaccinations are up to date around 6 months. Pups are generally around 2 months when they change hands - but what about the other 4 months? See the problem here? The most important time in a puppies life is that 8 week to 6 months - that is the best window to keep socializing and learn how to be a dog. An 8 week old pup is far from a complete dog with good knowledge of dog social life.

Unfortunately, too many puppies end up living with a frustrated owner, for that period of 4 month, given no social skills or knowledge of the world around it - scared of everything. Now you have to take that puppy out into the world for introduction - and many people simply give up, keep the dog at home.

It does my heart good to see 8 week old pups running the parks.

Swelled brain my arse.
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