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Old 03-27-2023, 10:55 AM
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outofbounds outofbounds is offline
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Originally Posted by outofbounds View Post
Mortality is mortality period, no different than what neighboring states such as Montana are currently experiencing with their legislation for reinstatement or consideration if figures allow for state control of resources versus Federal. Hunters and producers need to understand the relationship as a whole as it is an all in figure period, no matter jurisdiction.
As a suggestion, have look at what Montana is currently navigating through to seek state control of Grizzly Bear resources versus Federal control and listing.

Again, mortality is mortality at the end of the day.
Whether it be at the hand of MVA, natural cause, predation control from producers, or any other conflict from humans or industry.
Be it some numbers games are ongoing to satisfy certain groups, the mortality rate will depict the outcome. PERIOD... Management of in the interm requires transparency which we all know has not been the case. Supported by political sway and influence.

Montana has done a heck of a lot of leg work to again seek control at the state level. From the hunter perspective a hunt is no where on the horizon as long as bears are eliminated due to predation control. Meanwhile producers seek an answer to said predation as bear mortality brings stiff penalties should it be result of the producer or hunter.
In the end whether it be native or non, mortality is mortality when viewed.

Have a follow of what Montana has done to date.
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