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Old 06-23-2012, 04:10 PM
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Originally Posted by sheephunter View Post
Not really pointing any fingers or saying it's right or wrong but I do find it a bit amusing that some of those that are the most upset seem to also think it's unfair that non-residents can get a tag every year without going through the draw process and that they are getting more than the 10% cap yet they feel it's okay that bowhunters can get a tag every year while 85% of the hunting population must wait long periods in the draw and that it also okay to get more than the 15% cap. You must admit there is a bit od hypocracy here. I know, everyone could become a bow hunter if they weren't so lazy and pathetic but I guess everyone could become a non-resident too.
That first sentence is huge ! I mean looooong lol ( a second language guy has to get his shots in on the writer, when he can . lol )

If non residents means that you should be able to hunt as much as you can afford!Then there is a small minority of people that would agree that residents should have the same oppoturnity!

The last thing we need is the dollar to dicate the hunting oppoturnity here!
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