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Old 08-12-2018, 10:47 AM
Drewski Canuck Drewski Canuck is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Originally Posted by chasingtail View Post
We spend billions of dollars on Cancer Treatments, someones at my door every other day looking for money to give to big pharma. Problem is no one wants to address the cause of the Cancers. Wish I would get a charity at my door who will spend the money warning people about the Roundup, pesticides, chemicals in our food or fluoride in our water that is causing the increase in cancers.

Wouldn't trust what the EPA or FDA says Rug, just look at the people in them and see who they used to work for, or who they will work for next.
Well now that you turned that stone over, you DO KNOW that of all these so called DO GOOD Charities, waiving the flag over the latest human tragedy, is typically doing good only for themselves? The Phone Solicitor gets 25 +% for getting you to say yes. THEN comes along all the Staff and the advertising, THEN comes along the so called "CAUSE"

Sometimes as little as 10 % is actually spent on the helping cause.

That being said, without Roundup and all the other Pesticides, and Herbicides, in all their shapes and forms, World Food Production could not meet World Demand.

Without artificial fertilizers, and GMO and near GMO seeds, there would be mass starvation.

Yet World Population is set to hit 10 Billion in a few decades.

Roundup is evil and a necessary evil. All the same, average life expectancy keeps going up in the First World AND the Developing World.

Accept it, but yes, hold the manufacturers to the task of making better GMO seeds, pesticides, and herbicides, and most important ......


When the die off starts, it will be caused by lack of clean water, and lack of food supply, triggering disease, along with the usual wars.

Then nature will re balance its most successful, widespread, and problematic species.

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