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Old 04-11-2019, 05:40 AM
^v^Tinda wolf^v^ ^v^Tinda wolf^v^ is offline
Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 4,134

I have been eating healthy for a couple of months now. Not that the food I was eating was bad really. I generally never eat fast food and always cook myself and for my family.
My diet consist of fruits and vegetables, eggs, chicken, rice of various types. Every morning I also make a smoothie with Vega protein and greens as the main ingredient. I found taking bread out of my diet has made a huge difference. The wife made some chicken buns for supper the other day and the next day it felt as if my energy was about half what it routinely is now. I also started craving junk food that day.
Good eating with a combination of exercise and by exercise I mean full out nuts to the wall 8 hours a day climbing ladders, lifting heavy steel and general cardio and tight deadlines has made me extremely healthy. None of my pants fit anymore and my belt is on the first hole. Almost time for a new belt lol.
Anyways I haven’t been sick in almost 4.5 years or more. Not even a sniffle 😁 I also take zinc supplements usually a couple times a week. Zinc is good for men’s health and the immune system. When I crave a snack now I usually make myself a large salad loaded with cucumber and calorie wise dressing. I loves me spinach too! 😂
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