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Old 09-20-2018, 02:16 PM
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clouserminnow clouserminnow is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: West Central
Posts: 68
Default Chicken Hunters

This debate happens every year. Lazy hunters have the most to say it seems. I want all my birds to be 100 yards from the parking lot and my dog is the best in the world and he didn't find birds. Somebody has a buddy of a buddy that knows the delivery trucks arrival.

If you can't handle getting skunked you should quit hunting before your ego explodes. Hunting is about being outdoor with friends and dogs smelling the fresh fall air. If you get a shot its a bonus end of story. The pheasant release program owes you nothing, just be glad you have a public place to hunt so close to the city. Quit trying to blame the ACA. Go to a hunting club if you want a really canned hunt.
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