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Old 01-08-2010, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Swarovski View Post
Well said!
It is extremely difficult to age bighorns in the field and it would be very difficult to propose an age limit. However, at the end of the day harvesting old mature rams is what we all would like to see. I have always wondered if a point system would work...
Points would be assigned based on the age of the sheep once it was registered and we would need to do a better job of educating even the Fish and Wildlife on aging sheep.
For example:
10 years and older = no points and no wait time.
9 years = 1 point and wait 1 year
8 years = 2 points and wait 2 years
7 years = 3 points and wait 3 years
6 years = 4 points and wait 4 years
Numbers are completely arbitrary but you get the idea...
I believe it is possible to accurately age a ram on the ground up until approximately 10 years and past that it is still possible, however with growth rings becoming stacked and tips broomed beyond 2nd and 3rd year it becomes open to a little more interpretation.
This would encourage everyone to harvest mature rams and if they didn't they would have to wait a certain amount of time depending how old the ram that they harvested was. Any ram that was younger than 6 years would be subject to major fines and potentially loss of sheep hunting previlidges for a lifetime.
The point system theory has evolved from numerous days spent in the field with good friends hunting sheep and wondering where all the big rams are... followed by discussing ways to promote older mature rams being harvested.

I'm still not convinced that there's a problem with lots of guys shooting too many sheep but if it truely is a problem and it needs to be dealt with, this is a very creative solution. If there is an issue that needs to be addressed....I like it!
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