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Old 01-20-2018, 03:12 PM is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 933

Originally Posted by nube View Post
But guys remember they have had a rough life. Their ancestors as well with residential school stuff and all. I am sure they didn't know any better and with a little spiritual healing I am sure they will come back and be great citezens once again! I am sure with our justice system they will have to go to a few meetings and a little parol and they won't spend much time in jail. That is the sad truth.
Glad the people robbed are o.k. Had it happen to my cousin in a small town store once at gun point. She still has nightmares about it 20 years later and it has changed her life.....
Lots of good posts in this thread about the usual common denominator so I'll just quote this post cause the first paragraph made me lol.