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Old 12-07-2002, 09:16 AM
Don Meredith
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Repeal


The system never had value from the start! It was poorly thought out; it never addressed the central concern of the Canadian public, i.e., criminal use of guns; and it was only put into place as a placebo to demonstrate that the government was doing something about gun crime. It was designed without consulting those it affected; or where consultation did take place, the advice was ignored. It was created in a rush by people who didn't realize the magnitude of the project.

Properly thought out and designed, it should have only cost a few million dollars. Think about it, how much did it cost Visa or Mastercard to design their database systems and issue credit cards -- a billion dollars? I doubt it.

For our billion dollars, we are issued poor quality licence cards that could easily be counterfeited, flimsy paper registration certificates that don't even identify the firearms owner, or the firearm for that matter. The information gathered is a joke. No one is checking to make sure it is correct, and no one seems to care. Do you think the police are going to find the information reliable? I don't think so.

The system is a disaster. It needs to be scrapped before it consumes another billion dollars. Then, the government of the day needs to sit down with gun owners and determine just what can be done to curb the traffic of illegal guns into this country. That billion dollars would have gone a long ways to do a lot of things in this country. We just don't have the leadership to provide the necessary vision.

I agree with 2Kawibungas, this debacle would have sunk any other government with a viable opposition ready to take power. The PCs and the Alliance have got to start thinking about the future of the country and get their act together!

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