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Old 06-08-2017, 11:07 AM
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kcoderre kcoderre is offline
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 64
Default Letter to send to ministers of agriculture and environment

In case you are really feeling like you might want to stir the political pot a little more, I wrote the letter below and send it to my MLA and to the Minister of the Environment Shannon Phillips ( and the Minister of Agriculture Oneil Carlier ( Feel free to copy and paste and email it to your MLA or any minister you see fit. (Also, I am not a "Political Guy" this is actually the first time I have every written a government member so I may not have gotten everything right in the wording)

Mr. Minister,

I am writing you today to express my concern over the clear cut logging plan slated to start this year near the Highwood Junction.

My main area of concern is the negative impact that this logging plan will have on the native fish species inhabiting the Highwood river watershed especially Etherington Creek. As I hope you are aware, to species native to Alberta live in this area and all already listed as "species at risk". These species would be Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi) and our provincial fish the Bull Trout (Salvelinus Confluentus). Both species have been extirpated from their full natural range and the Highwood watershed is one of the few places left in our province where these fish are able to survive, spawn and avoid hybridization with other species.

The area to be logged could easily cause increased sediment to enter the Highwood river watershed. This increased sediment load has been proven to smother the eggs of trout species (as was seen along Hidden Creek previously). This sediment will cause further harm to those species already under pressure from development in this area. This area is known to be prime habitat for the spawning and development of both species. I refer you to several pieces of research on this subject
Rodtka (2009) Status of Bull Trout in Alberta Status of Bull Trout in Alberta
Rees et. al. (2012) Bull Trout Conservation Management Plan 2012-2017 Bull Trout Conservation and Management Plan 2012-2017 pdf
Popowich et. al. (2009) Fluvial Bull Trout Redd Surveys on the Elbow, Sheep, and Highwood Rivers Alberta - Trout Unlimited Canada Fluvial Bull Trout Redd Surveys pdf
Cove et. al. (2009) Recovery Strategy for the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisi), Alberta Populations in Canada Recovery and Management Plan for Westslope Cutthroat Trout pdf

A seconday concern related to this matter is the hypocrisy of the NDP government in this matter. Premier Notley has repeatedly stated that your government chooses the environment first. This was stated when coal was to be phased out and again when the carbon tax was instituted. To then approve an out of province company to ravage an area of our province, process the lumber out of province, and leave behind an environmental time bomb for our native species and environment in general goes against everything your government claims to value. To make matters worse, there is little or no economic or employment value for our province to be gained from it.

I would greatly appreciate your consideration of these concerns and the cited research above. My hope is that you would address this in the legislative assembly for consideration and review of this decision in light of the consequences for our native species. I would also appreciate your timely reply to these concerns.

Thank-you for your time.
Kirby Coderre
aka MidLifeFlysis
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