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Old 03-17-2019, 07:06 PM
warriorboy10 warriorboy10 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,059

Lost my youngest son June 18, 2018 at the young age of 25. He had a tough time trying to get off the stuff but it turns your brain to mush. Horrible!!
When I finally got to my son the EMT attendees and RCMP said they found heroine, which I believed as my son told me that is what he was using. Several months later I received a call from the medical examiner, she proceeded to tell me that the tox report was that fentynal and meth was found in his blood. I truly believe that my son thought he was getting heroine but actually got far worse. My youngest son was murdred and not a thing I can or will be done. My son and many others.. so sad!! Nothing worse than losing one of your kids, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. ����
If there is anyone that needs to talk I would be more than willing because I still need to..

He was my hunting partner, fishing partner, sledding partner and planned to groom him to take over the business. Miss you AJ, you will be on my mind until the day I die!
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