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Old 05-23-2017, 08:30 PM
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Tofinoguy Tofinoguy is offline
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Originally Posted by Drewski Canuck View Post
Last year at Nootka there were fish up to July, and these likely were Columbia river fish moving through. Then it collapsed.

Funny part was that that gulf of Alaska sampling of the commercial catch indicated a great year for Van Isle Chinook recruitment and survival and everything was rosy in April.

There was a deep water upwelling off shore, and somehow the fish stuck up north and off shore until very late. Apparently Conuma hatchery numbers were about the same in September when the fish arrived.

It seems that every 5 years at Nootka there is an off year. Things then return to normal.

What is helpful is that the Alaska Pollack fleet has to keep the by catch now and it is counted against their salmon quota. Before dead Chinooks were dumped overboard, and the salmon fleet still had their way were the remaining fish.

Don't forget about the huge number the Alaskan trollers licked up. Close to 70% of the Vancouver Island Chinooks....there were your missing Conuma and Robertson creek fish
Sent back in time to alter the future of selected fish
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