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Old 03-06-2016, 07:40 AM
martinnordegg martinnordegg is offline
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Originally Posted by parfleche View Post
Yes That is all I was bringing this topic up for so no conspiracy intended! an assumption was all .
On the other hand take a look at the Red Deer advocate the article written by Marry Ann Barr on the thoughts of Mr Dwight Rhodka of Rocky Mountain house !With that sort of back talking to put it mildly who needs enemies and I really question the Officer qualifications , does anyone know to the opposite? For an individual that professes to have made a living or vocation for that matter and is now retired you have to question where this is going ? sounds like sour grapes to be honest . Make a point of checking this out fellows ! its really something we should be not taking lightly !
This is ONE individuals personal opinion for all the ignorant world to see and as such his qualifications are surely questionable!!
Although it is a free country should someone be allowed to spout nonsense such as this 200 snares per bait pile????
Dan I've said lots on Rodtka's qualifications and other issues with him on this Forum. The problem with someone rebutting the misinformation he spouts to the media (who eat it up) is the media don't want to hear the truth. They just want sensationalism and emotion, and that's what he delivers.

I'm going to say it again on here. Rodtka is trying to get snare and quite possibly all killing devices mandatory 48 hour checks for RFMA's and 24 hour for Resident. This will eliminate most trappers in my opinion as I don't know too many trappers that can dedicate that kind of time exclusively.

This is something that the ATA should be working hard to get the clear picture out. Maybe they are. I would sure hope so. A big part of the future of trapping is being jeopardized by a guy that will stop at nothing and say whatever it takes to harm the trapping industry.

Just because he was mad about not receiving the incentive money for a couple of wolves that didn't qualify.
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