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Old 03-05-2016, 10:35 PM
nube nube is offline
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Originally Posted by Marty S View Post
Cougar numbers... What an interesting other topic! The cougar population is managed in such a manner, both Canada/USA that it spikes to an astronomically high number which BTW is never good management to have a top of the food chain predator allowed to mass proliferate. The over populated, over capacity cats spread across Alberta and continue their spread east into Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and continue pushing east. Mind blowing! Then it's the trappers fault that a few cats get captured? Could be worse, but many trappers are already doing the right thing and running breakaway devices on their snares, and many Cougars that do get hooked blow the breakaway out and continue in unharmed. But the game manager never knows or hears of the countless breakaway successes.

Harvest the excess, let's manage the resource properly. That which is harvested should not be wasted. Taxidermists would like the work.

It's better than the piles of cougars that are also on the SSS list! Why waste them if there is no need to.
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