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Old 10-12-2021, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Smoky buck View Post
So did anyone go up to any of these people and try to respectfully explain your issues in hopes of working out a solution? If the person is a jerk after attempting this go ahead be chocked and do as you need to after this

The problem with most issues theses days people don’t even attempt to work out the situation. Instead they grumble to themselves, complain to others later or post it on the internet. None of these options solve anything. Some people are just disrespectful but others are actually oblivious that they are causing others grief because no one speaks up.

Speak up without being a jerk and see where it goes. You might find a reasonable compromise. If not you will know the guy is a jerk. You can then blow off some steam and make sure he knows he is an idiot at least

People seem to have forgotten how to work out their issues
true...engage and have an adult conversation and maybe point out the range rules if they are in violation....if the range rules don't apply to them as in nothing saying anything about rifle breaks and usage then you have choices to make stay and go through the shock wave therapy or leave and bring it up to the range managers that there could be a better way to accommodate all shooters and minor adjustments can/should be done to do so but we have all run into the entitled jerk(s) and they need to be removed so respectful people can enjoy a day at the range.

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...
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