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Old 06-27-2011, 10:46 AM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is online now
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Originally Posted by WayneChristie View Post
Why not open the trout lakes already with perch in them for perch harvest, not allowing them to be harvested does nothing to get rid of them, just allows for the perch to continue to reproduce. A lot of the ponds down south get their water from the irrigation canals so the perch get into them all by themselves, no buckets needed. Why only allow harvest from one particular pond in the province? Do we need to build giant easter eggs at all of them to allow a perch harvest????? Maybe open some to a no limit weekend once a year to help make a dent in the population.
Or even better, quit wasting money stocking trout in them and put in bass instead to help control the perch
Nothing wrong with making a bunch of eggs, and don't forget the perogies.

An updated compilation of Stocked ponds with unwanted perch. Most of them allow a perch harvest, the rest will soon. Is the list incomplete?
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