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Old 06-27-2011, 07:43 AM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Originally Posted by Kokanee9 View Post
I thought that maybe something would be in there about ice fishing shacks being left on the ice too late in the season. WIN card #'s posted on the outside of them, or even permits for the shacks.
WIN numbers I would agree with too, the season can change from year to year as we saw this winter.

The 2 pike limit I can agree with, although most lakes dont get enforced now as it is, are they going to hire more officers? I also like the idea of allowing harvesting a smaller size of pike, some lakes are so full of smaller pike that its almost impossible to get a lure to a bigger fish. That way the poachers can help clean up a lot of the smaller fish and leave more room for the big girls.

Why not open the trout lakes already with perch in them for perch harvest, not allowing them to be harvested does nothing to get rid of them, just allows for the perch to continue to reproduce. A lot of the ponds down south get their water from the irrigation canals so the perch get into them all by themselves, no buckets needed. Why only allow harvest from one particular pond in the province? Do we need to build giant easter eggs at all of them to allow a perch harvest????? Maybe open some to a no limit weekend once a year to help make a dent in the population.
Or even better, quit wasting money stocking trout in them and put in bass instead to help control the perch
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