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Old 05-30-2011, 09:43 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
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Originally Posted by Mudslide View Post
I was being cheeky, He actually looks Scottish.
Ouch ! Me bonny lad, yee is wounded me pride !

That's It. I'm gonna hike up my kilt and strut off home.

Geez people, isn't there enough political correctness in the world !

I'm a Scotsman and darn proud of it. If you'all caught a Scot poaching it sure wouldn't hurt my feelings if you called him a Scot, or a Scotsman, not even a damn Scotsman, cause I would realize that you are reacting to the crime not the race.

Sides, I know some folks don't like Scotsman, that's their loss, not mine.

Racism is wrong, so is using race as an ace up the sleeve, which is all to often the real reason behind the cries of racism these days.

I wonder, how many Canadian know what real racism is these days.
I do. I was tied to a tree and beat until unconscious because of my skin colour. Calling me white is nothing, calling me a Scotsman is nothing.
Those thing do nothing to me.
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