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Old 04-27-2011, 07:18 PM
trooper trooper is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1,773

An individual who will remain nameless likes to sell himself as a military commando type. In fact, he has no military experiance at all and that makes him look like a fool. The rest of the staff can and have been arrogant and rude. It does not matter if they deal with idiots all day it's called learning to deal with the public, if you can't deal with the public in a respectable fashion get out of the business. There is no reason to act like a ******* with the next fellow that comes in the door.. That will kill a stores reputation faster than lightening, don't make excuses for bad PR. If they are gone, good riddence. I hope that "individual" learns from the way he treats people. I wouldn't hire him in my store.