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Old 04-21-2011, 05:48 PM
PJT PJT is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 397

Originally Posted by Dean2 View Post
I have dealt at Milarm for more years than I care to acknowledge. I would not keep going there if a lot of these posts were even close to the norm.

If you are getting what you think is bad service or rude response, perhaps you want to look at how you are approaching the staff. No matter where I go, I always find that if I am friendly, agreeable nd willing to listen, as well as clearly ask the staff to do the best they can to help me, I have almost never had staff that did not rise to the occasion.

If you are getting treated like ****e, look at how you are approaching things. Few people are looking to start a war, but quite a few won't back off if YOU start it or treat them like low class help.

I have been in the public service business for over 40 years. Most clients are great to deal with. There are a percentage that no money on earth makes them worth the trouble. If you are one of those, and you butt up against me, you WILL have legendary stories that you can post on websites. If people are dumb enough to believe that I treat the 99% of all people who are great to deal with, the same as I treated you, then they aren't as smart as I thought they were.

The internet is a great tool, but it gives whiners and *****s far to much ability to spread their non-sense.

Fantastic Response!!!!

I have never had a problem at Milarm